

Ponce, P., De la Cueva, V., Ponce, H., (2015), Robótica Aplicada con LabVIEW y LEGO (Applied Robotics With LabVIEW and LEGO). Alfaomega: Mexico.

Ponce, H., Ponce. P., Molina, A. (2014), Artificial Organic Networks: Artificial Intelligence Based on Carbon Networks. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 521, Springer: Switzerland.

Gelbuhk, A., et al. (2015), Nature-Inspired Computation and Machine Learning (co-author in Chapter: A Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Based Artificial Intelligence for Non-Player Characters in Video Games). Springer: Switzerland.

Fairweather, I., Brumfield, A., (2011), LabVIEW: A Developer's Guide to Real World Integration (co-author in Chapter 8: Solar Energy). CRC Press: Australia.

Ponce, H., (2013), A New Supervised Learning Algorithm Inspired on Chemical Organic Compounds. ITESM-CCM, Thesis for the Ph.D. Degree.

Ponce, H., (2009), Intelligent Control System for a Sustainable Portable Greenhouse Using LabVIEW. ITESM-CCM, Thesis for the Master Degree.

Ponce, H., Araiza, D., (2007), Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Simple Collaborative Applications in Robotics. ITESM-CCM, Project for fulfills all requirements at undergraduate career.